Запис Детальніше

Навчальна література загальноосвітніх шкіл Наддніпрянської України у 1917–1921 рр. : історичний аспект

Репозиторій Переяслав-Хмельницького державного педагогічного університету імені Григорія Сковороди

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Навчальна література загальноосвітніх шкіл Наддніпрянської України у 1917–1921 рр. : історичний аспект
Educational literature of Naddniprianshchynas’ secondary schools in 1917–1921 : historical aspect
Creator Крик, Назарій В.
Kryk, Nazarii V.
Subject Міністерство народної освіти
українська школа
видавничий відділ
предметні комісії
видавнича діяльність
Державна скарбниця
періодична преса
Ministry of Public Education
the Ukrainian school
publishing department
subject commissions
publishing activity
commodity exchange
national treasury
Description У дисертації на основі значної джерельної бази, вивчення та аналізу наукової літератури з
урахуванням сучасних теоретико-методологічних засад вперше зроблено спробу комплексно
дослідити проблему навчальної літератури в контексті українізації загальноосвітніх шкіл
Наддніпрянської України (1917–1921 рр.). Разом з тим, показано роль громадських організацій у
вирішенні проблеми забезпечення шкіл підручниками та посібниками. З’ясовано діяльність
предметних комісій з розгляду рукописів підручників і посібників для шкіл в добу УЦР.
Проаналізовано видавничу діяльність потужних кооперативних видавництв в добу Гетьманату
П. Скоропадського, через які українське друковане слово поширювалося на українські школи та
уможливлювало здобуття учням освіти рідною мовою. Зазначається, що великих зусиль у справі
забезпечення шкіл навчально-методичною літературою докладали провідні педагоги та
громадські діячі, які для покращення своєї роботи об’єднувались у просвітницькі організації та
товариства. Крім того, розглянуто видавничу справу в Україні у період Директорії УНР.
Висвітлено діяльність Міністерства народної освіти із забезпечення українських шкіл навчально-
методичною літературою та видавничих товариств з книгодрукування.
In the dissertation the researcher has made the first attempt to investigate the problem of the
educational literature in the context of the Ukrainization of Naddniprianshchyna general schools (1917–
1921) on the basis of considerable sources base, study and analysis of historical material, taking into
account modern theoretical and methodological principles. At the same time the examiner indicates the
role of public organizations in the problem solving concerning the provision of the general schools with
textbooks and manuals, clarifies the activity of subject commissions in consideration of handwriting
textbooks and manuals for schools in the Ukrainian Central Rada period.
The researcher analyses the preconditions of establishment and organizational principles of
publishing houses that were working in the period of Pavlo Skoropadsky’s rule during April-December
in 1918. The investigator clears up the peculiarities of the formation of the publishing system, describes
its structure and exposes the leading publishing houses. It is indicated that the condition of the Ukrainian
school in the period of Pavlo Skoropadsky’s rule was directly dependent on the provision of it with
necessary textbooks, manuals and proper accessories without which the school education could not exist.
The publishing houses attached especially great importance to solving this problem. The investigator
analyses the historical-scientific and material-technical bases of the publishing houses and the cadre of
the publishing field, the peculiarity of the formation of it and the system of preparation. The commercial
aspect of work of the publishing houses has been exposed. The investigator clarifies the influence of the
authority on the content, the social role and the subject-matter of the book production, indicates the
influence of the Ukrainization on work of the publishing houses. The researcher reveals the peculiarities
of the organization of publication of the textbooks.
It is noted that the government of P. Skoropadsky provided a significant support because of which
the Ukrainian publishers in the case of printing reached the highest development in 1918. The investigator
reveals the plans of publishing work of communities, which were quite varied: the works of scientific,
popular science, art and fictional content, etc. First of all the attention was turned to the works of widely-
cultured, democratic and public nature. For example, in a series of «The universal library» the best
Ukrainian original and translated works not only of fiction but also of publicism, science and art were
published. In the series of «The children’s library» the illustrated editions designed for children of all ages
and in a series of «The educational library» the textbooks for the lower and middle schools under the
guidance of the scientists and educated professional teachers were published.
It is noted that the communities published the bibliographic periodicals that were the necessary
guide and advisor for all the persons and institutions, especially needed for the libraries, Zemstvas,
«Prosvitas» and teachers etc. The information about the activities of all Ukrainian publishers, descriptions
of every publisher’s plans, books that have been already published or should have been published soon
was given in the periodicals. With the participation of famous Ukrainian writers and experts of different
fields the bibliographic periodicals contained an assessment of every edition and its content.
The researcher clarifies that the publishing communities consisted of the experienced people.
Usually they comprised the true professionals who provided the edition of the Ukrainian books realizing
the importance of the education for the whole Ukrainian nation. Communities started their work in order
to provide exclusively the native school with textbooks and books. They published a series of books «The
Ukrainian educational libraries» and a series of books for the collective and the after-school reading. The
Communities made a deal with the Ministry of Education on the publication of such textbooks: S.
Rudnitsky «Elementary Geography for the public schools», «Elementary geography for the secondary
schools», «The map of exercises on the history and geography of Ukraine», «Historical Atlas for the
secondary schools», «Fundamentals of Geography», «Geography of Ukraine» and so on. It is noted that
in order to print the textbooks it was announced a competition for writing such textbooks for the
Ukrainian schools: «The History of Ukraine» for the lower elementary school, «The History of Ukraine.
Elementary course» for the secondary school, «The History of Ukraine. Systematic course» for the senior
forms of the secondary school, «The History of the World Literature», «The History of the Ukrainian
literature», «The Geography of Ukraine» for the senior forms of the high school.
The investigator analyses the publishing activity of powerful cooperative publishers in the period
of Pavlo Skoropadsky’s rule, which spread the Ukrainian printed word to all Ukrainian schools and give
pupils an opportunity to receive education in native language. The researcher confirms that leading
pedagogues and public men exert large efforts in the matter of providing schools with teaching and
methodological literature, who united in special educational organizations and societies for the purpose
of their work improvement. The examiner considers publishing business in Ukraine during Directory of
UNR, reflects the activity of Ministry of Public Education concerning the provision of the Ukrainian
schools with educational and methodological literature and activity of publishing societies with their
book printing.
Date 2015-06-02T11:47:41Z
Type Thesis
Identifier Крик Н. В. Навчальна література загальноосвітніх шкіл Наддніпрянської України у 1917-1921 рр. : історичний аспект : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. іст. наук : 07.00.01 - історія України / Н. В. Крик ; наук. кер. А. П. Коцур. - Переяслав-Хм. : Лукашевич О. М., 2015. - 21 с.
Language other
Publisher Лукашевич О. М.